Press Contact:
Sarah Ruf, Director of Communications
Phone: (480) 578-9668
Email: [email protected]
Disability Rights Arizona (DRAZ) and the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (ADDPC) have released a joint statement concerning comments made from current national leaders about people with disabilities and their right to exist:
“A long legacy of American presidents, from John F. Kennedy to George H.W. Bush to Joe Biden, has championed people with all types of disabilities.
For disability rights activists around the world, our country has been the beacon on the hill promoting a society that sees the full value of individuals, no matter their abilities, label, diagnosis or medical condition.
Any time someone chooses to imply or suggest a person with severe disabilities shouldn’t exist, it strips away the humanity and dignity of our community. It’s directly opposed to the idea that every resident and citizen of this country deserves life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We can’t keep silent amidst ugly sentiments like this. At the same time, we won’t be distracted from our main purpose: promoting the full value and worth of our neighbors, family members, classmates and colleagues with developmental disabilities.
We will continue to advocate and stay relentlessly focused on this mission.
People with disabilities often must overcome a multitude of barriers the general public doesn’t have to face on a daily basis. During an election year, it is a good time to ask our leaders how they plan to make sure everyone has a seat at the table to voice their opinion and receives the services they need from state and federal sources.
On this 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), we must keep up the good fight for inclusion and accessibility across Arizona and the nation, regardless of political party or affiliation. And we expect that our current leaders will do the same as people with disabilities deserve the same rights to independence, justice and equality.”
Disability Rights Arizona (DRAZ), formerly the Arizona Center for Disability Law, is the State of Arizona’s Protection and Advocacy (P&A) System and is part of a national network dedicated to advancing the civil and human rights of all people with disabilities.
The Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council promotes greater community inclusion across the lifespan for all Arizonans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Council achieves this through grantmaking, advocacy, research and innovative projects in five key goal areas: self-determination, meaningful careers, inclusion, system access, and safety.