9th Annual African American Conference on Disabilities
Time to save the date: the 9th Annual African American Conference on Disabilities is back on February 28, 2020 at the Desert Willow Conference Center, located at 4340 E. Cotton Center Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85040.
You can register as an attendee or a sponsor with the link below.
Click Here to Register
Ability360, Arizona Center for Disability Law (ACDL), in collaboration with the Arizona Center for African American Resources (AZCAAR) are honored to host the nationally recognized 9th Annual African American Conference on Disabilities (AACD). The AACD is the only comprehensive all day conference in the United States that addresses the intersection between race and disabilities.
African Americans with disabilities face challenges of race and disability discrimination that the broader community overlooks and views with indifference. The goals of the conference are to eliminate barriers for persons with disabilities, and to provide the African American community, organizations and individuals who service the community, with cultural and linguistic competent information and resources. Participants will attend three general sessions and have an opportunity to select among twenty-four disability related workshops.
This event focuses on African Americans; however, the information provided will benefits everyone and is open to individuals and families, as well as, organizations who are interested in learning and eliminating barriers.
Conference Speakers will include:
- James Herbert Williams
- Jean Fairfax
- Adiba Nelson
Questions? Contact David Carey via email at [email protected] or Renaldo Fowler via email at [email protected]