Disability Inclusion in Adult Protective Services (APS) Past, Present and Future
In the first of the series, attendees will be welcomed by Alison Barkoff, Principal Deputy Administrator from the Administration on Community Living (ACL). She will provide an overview of the work at the Administration on Community Living (ACL) between Adult Protective Services (APS), the elder community and the disability community. Attendees will learn about the history of the disability rights movement, how the intersection between Adult Protective Services (APS) and protections for people with disabilities emerged, and how one state, Massachusetts, developed a model that would include elders and people with disabilities in their APS system.
Speakers: Alison Barkoff, Principal Deputy Administrator, Administration for Community Living (ACL); Curt Decker, Executive Director, National Disability Rights Network (NRDN); Bill Benson, National Policy Advisor, National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA); Nancy Alterio, Executive Director, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC).
Event is Free, but registration required. REGISTER HERE!
funded in part by a grant through the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council