Improving Healthcare for Adults with Autism and I/DD Listening Sessions

People with autism and/or other intellectual/developmental disabilities (A/I/DD) People with A/I/DD experience a higher rate of mental and physical health conditions.
Yet, 70% of healthcare professionals report lacking the training, confidence and knowledge to meet their needs. Adults with A/I/DD experience challenges in communication and social interaction that make it more difficult for healthcare professionals to administer appropriate care.
Goal: Create a healthcare model where no one goes untreated or is medically misunderstood because of autism and/or other intellectual and developmental disabilities (A/I/DD).
Process: Meet with three key groups to discuss what is and isn’t working in healthcare.
Three Key Groups:
Adults with an A/I/DD diagnosis, their families and advocates
Healthcare professionals and other paid caregivers.
Individuals and organizations involved in systems-level work
Attendees introduce themselves and receive information about the day's activities.
Three key groups discuss healthcare for adults with A/I/DD.
The groups then separate for smaller conversations; each group will have two experienced facilitators to guide you through the day. (Facilitators welcome all communication methods.)
Everyone reunites to share and discuss what they have learned.
Please join us to share your thoughts during our Tucson listening session.