Silent Struggles: Benign Brain Tumors and (dis)Abilities

Tuesday, February 20th, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Though a benign brain tumor may not be aggressive and may not spread to surrounding tissue, it can press on parts of the brain that control various functions throughout the body and significantly impact a person's quality of life and abilities. In this presentation, Agnes Attakai, a person living with a benign tumor of the pituitary gland, will discuss the impact benign tumors have on a person’s cognitive and physical abilities.
The Sonoran Center's Native Center for Disabilities Webinar Series examines the history of disability within Native communities, present-day challenges, and the possible solutions to creating a more equitable and accessible future for Native people with disabilities.
Attendees will come away from the series with a greater understanding of:
The history and culture of disability within Native communities
The unique intersectionality of disability and Native populations
The current challenges facing Native people with disabilities and some of the achievements around ensuring equitable access
The culturally-based strategies and approaches that can help improve the quality of life for Native people with disabilities