Arizona Community of Practice Team Members

The Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council serves Arizona residents with developmental disabilities along with their families, providing original research, education, advocacy and financial support that accomplish three current goals in its state plan: employment, self-advocacy and community inclusion.

For more than 50 years, the Institute for Human Development has served as a research and training program located at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. The program is part of a national network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD).

The Tucson-based Sonoran Center for Excellence in Disabilities, the state's newest UCEDD, strives to ensure full community participation by individuals with developmental disabilities through interdisciplinary training, research and analysis, technical assistance, exemplary services and model program development.

The Arizona Center for Disability Law is a non-profit law firm that assists Arizonans with disabilities to promote and protect their legal rights to independence, justice, and equality.

Raising Special Kids improves the lives of children with disabilities by providing parents with information, training, consultations, and mentoring. The nonprofit addresses a full range of disabilities from birth to 26 free of charge and in Spanish.

The Arizona Division of Developmental Disabilities provides supports and services that help enable individuals with opportunities to exercise their rights and responsibilities of independent decision-making and engagement in the community.