Executive Director’s message – December 2023

By Jon Meyers, Executive Director
Happiest Holiday Wishes from all of us at ADDPC!
We often hear the saying, “The only constant is change”. While that may be true, we could all be forgiven for feeling, from time to time, that in the world of services, supports, inclusion, and opportunity for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, change is agonizingly slow.
That is in part why the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, along with its counterparts across the U.S and U.S. territories, exists: To understand where change is needed to assist individuals with I/DD and to advocate forcefully and persuasively for such change. We do this through public policy advocacy, collaboration with an array of agencies and organizations around the state, and funding of research projects and outreach programs that touch members of the I/DD community wherever they may live.
In the same vein, we have a responsibility to argue against change that will move us backward or reverse the gains made through decades of struggle for equity and inclusion. This, too, requires the Council’s advocacy leadership and its partnership with others – including Arizona’s growing community of passionate, vocal self-advocates.
In all these efforts, we look at the changes brought about in 2023 with a sense of pride in what the state’s disability community achieved and the role ADDPC played in supporting it. With 2024 mere days away, we also recognize much work lies ahead.
Our resolution for the year ahead – whether staff or appointed members of the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council – and our pledge to you is that we will always work with Arizonans and on behalf of Arizonans to ensure change for the better continues in this state. That we will look for ways to support innovation and creativity in how the I/DD community is supported. That we will advocate for conditions that make dignity, respect, and equity hallmarks of life for every person in this state, with a disability or without one.
At a time of year that is so sacred to so many, we wish you and your loved ones peace, comfort, and joy. We look forward to the coming of the new year and all the many important changes it will bring. Most of all, we look forward to continuing our work with you as we build upon the accomplishments of 2023.
All the best,